Public Function DecimalToAny(ByVal InputDec As Long, ByVal ToBase As Integer) As String
     'Input  - InputDec - Any decimal value to be converted to new base	    
     '       - ToBase   - The new base must be in range 2 - 36
     'Output - String representation of the inputed decimal value in the new base.
     '       - Null value if wrong input encountered
     On Error GoTo ErrHndl
     Dim BaseStr As String
     Dim Number As Long

     If ToBase <2 Or ToBase > 36 Then
         'ToBase must be in the range 2 - 36, so return Null String
         DecimalToAny = vbNullString
         Exit Function
     End If
     'All character bases up to 36
     Const CharsSet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

     Do While InputDec
         'Perform the Mod operation
         Number = InputDec Mod ToBase
     'Find the corresponding character in the new base
         DecimalToAny = Mid$(CharSet, Number + 1, 1) & DecimalToAny 
         'Perform integer division and update InputDec
         InputDec = InputDec \ ToBase

     Exit Function

     'Error handling - return Null string
     DecimalToAny = vbNullString
 End Function