Complex number calculator 1
+ j
M Cartesian
Complex numbers summary equations

Find the value of the expression:
Where: z1 = 1+j3     z2 = 2-j4     z3 = -1-j5

1 Check that degree button is set to degree.
2 Enter the value of z1 1+j3
3 Press square button to get the value of z12 -8+j6
4 Press the Min button to place the value
in the memory.
5 Enter the value of z2 2-j4
6 Press square button to get the value of z22 -12-j16
7 Press the M- button to subtract this value
from the memory.
8 Press the MR button to return the value in
the memory to the main input window.
9 Press the sin button to find the sin of the input 0.075+j0.393
10 Press the Min button to place the value
in the memory.
11 Enter the value of z3 -1-j5
12 Press square button to get the value of z32 -24+j10
13 Press the M/ to divide the memory by this value
14 Press the MR to copy the result value from
the memory to the input window.

1You can enter values in cartesian or polar.
2 The engle result can be presented in the
ranges 0-360 degree or -180 to +180 by
pressing the angle button