x2 + y2 + x + y + = 0
(x )2  +  ( y )2 = 1
2 2
x2 + y2 + x + y + = 0
(x )2  +  ( y )2 = 1
2 2
Two ellipses intersection
Intersection points:
Intersection point 1:
Intersection point 2:
Intersection point 3:
Intersection point 4:
Common area
Input limit:
Intersection of two ellipses with centers at  (0 , 0) and (0 , 0) Print ellipse
If both ellipses centers are located at the origin (0 , 0) the equations of the ellipses will be:
Ellipse equation (1) Ellipse equation (2)
The intersection points are at: Intersection points
If the ellipses are given by the polynomial forms       Ax2 + By2 + E = 0     and     Fx2 + Gy2 + J = 0
Then the intersection points are given by: Intersection points Intersection points
There are three posible locations of the ellipses:
# Relative position Total intersection points Condition
Intersection points 0 points
a > c and b > d
a < c and b < d
Intersection points 2 points
a = c and b ≠ d
b = d and a ≠ c
Intersection points 4 points
a > c and b < d
a < c and b > d
The lapping area of ellipse of type ① and ② is the area of the inner ellipse       A = πab     or     A = πcd
The area of ellipse type ③ is: Lapping area
Intersection of two ellipses with centers at   (h , 0) and (m , 0) Print ellipse
The equation of an ellipse which is located along the x (y = 0) axis is:
Ellipse equation (1) Ellipse equation (2)
Mark: α = a2d2 − b2 β = hb2 − ma2d2 γ = a2d2m2 + a2b2 − b2h2 − a2d2c2
And the x coordinate of the intersections are: Y intersection points
Or after substituting values:
Y intersection points
x intersection points
The polynomial form of this ellipse is       Ax2 + By2 + Cx + E = 0     and     Fx2 + Gy2 + Hx + J = 0
After substituting the value of   y   from eq.  (1)  to eq.  (2)  we get the quadratic equation with  x:
x2(AG − BF) + x(CG − BH) + (EG − BJ) = 0
And the intersection is: Y intersection points
x intersection points
There are six possible locations of the ellipses: (the value of D in this case is: D = |m − h| )
# Relative position Total intersection points Condition
Intersection points 0 points
a + c < D     (along x axis)
b + d < D     (along y axis)
Intersection points 1 points
a + c = D
b + d = D
Intersection points 2 point
a + c > D
b + d > D
Intersection points 3 points
D + c = a
D + d = b
Intersection points 4 points
D + c < a and D < fy(m)
D + d < b and D < fx(n)
Intersection points 0 points
a + c < D and D > fy(m)
b + d < D and D > fy(n)
Intersection of two ellipses with centers at   (h , k) and (0 , 0) Print ellipse
If the ellipses are given by the equations
Value of y Value of y
Value of y
From the second equation the value of y is: Value of y
And for the value of x we get a quartic equation:
Value of y
Where: Value of y
Value of y
The equations of this ellipses by polynomial forms are:
Ax2 + By2 + Cx + Dy + E = 0 (1)
Fx2 + Gy2 + J = 0 (2)
From eq. (1) we get the value of y: Value of y
Substitute the value of y into equation (2) yields the equation:
Intersection y value
After multiplying all terms by 4B2 and open paranthesis we get the equation
Equation for x
In order to simplepy the equation we will define the following constants:
δ = 4B2J + 2D2G − 4BEG
φ = 4BCG
θ = 4B2F − 4ABG
μ = 2DG
After arranging the equation by powers we get a forthe power of x which can be solved mathematically:
x4θ2 − x32θφ + x22 + 2θδ + 4Bμ2) − x2φδ + (δ2 − D2μ2 + 4BEμ2) = 0
Intersection of two ellipses with centers at   (h , k) and (m , n) Print ellipse
If the ellipses are given by the equsations:
Equation for x Equation for x
After quite many stepses we get a quartic equation for the  x  coordinate of the intersection:
θx4 + 2θμx3 + (μ2 + 2θγ + b2δ)x2 + (2μγ − 2b22)x + (γ2 − αδ2) = 0
Where:α = b2 (a2 − h2)
Equation for x
Equation for x
Equation for x
Equation for x
The  y  coordinate is given by the equation: Equation for x
We define two ellipses by the polynomial equations:
Ax2 + By2 + Cx + Dy + E = 0 (1)
Fx2 + Gy2 + Hx + Iy + J = 0 (2)
From eq. (1) we get the value of y: Value of y
Substitute the value of y into equation (2) yields the equation:
Equation with x
After multiplying all terms by 4B2 and open paranthesis we get the equation
Equation with x
In order to simplepy the equation we will define the following constants:
δ = 2BDI − 2D2G + 4BEG − 4B2J
φ = 4BCG − 4B2H
θ = 4ABG − 4B2F
μ = 2BI − 2DG
And we get the equation: Equation with x
Taking the squares of bothe sides we get:
D2μ2 − 4ABμ2x2 − 4BCμ2x − 4BEμ2 = x4θ2 + x2φ2 + δ2 + 2θφx3 + 2θδx2 + 2φδx
After arranging the equation by powers we get a forthe power of x which can be solved mathematically:
x4θ2 + x32θφ + x22 + 2θδ + 4ABμ2) + x(4BCμ2 + 2φδ) + (δ2 − D2μ2 + 4BEμ2) = 0