Units conversion method Print conversion rules
Sometimes converting units may be confusing especially when the value contains other categories in the nominator and in the denominator. It is not always clear if we have to multiply or divide by which value. We will show here a simple way how to convert values from one unit to another by using proportion method to reduce confusion.
Units with nominators only Like units of: speed, length, time.
Example: convert 3 ft to m 1.   Write the conversion factor values as
1 foot = 0.3048 meter.
2.   Write the value of 3 feet in proportion method and the
required unit value x:
1(ft) = 0.3048 (m)
3 (ft) = x (m)
3.   Calculate value of required unit x
x = 3 • 0.3048 = 0.9144 meter
Units with denominator only Like units of: wave number or diopter
Example: convert
Convert foot to meter and write the corresponding value in the denominator 1/1(ft) = 1/0.3048 (m)

Calculating x:
Units with nominator and denominator Like units of: speed, acceleration, pressure, torque.
Example: convert
Write the conversion factor in the following way

Calculating x:
Example: convert
Write the conversion factor in the following way

Calculating x:
Example: convert
Write the conversion factor in the following way

Calculating x:
It is clear that no matter how many categories a certain unit has the conversion process is the same as shown, this way of calculating conversions eliminates the possibility of confusion.